Customer satisfaction survey summer season 2024


Reading and accepting these rules are a prerequisite for participating in the campaign.

  1. Anyone who is at least 13 years old can participate in the campaign. Participation in the campaign does not require the purchase of any product or service.
  2. Each person can participate in the campaign only once. Multiple participations by the same person will be removed. The participant must provide all mandatory information requested in the participation form.
  3. The campaign is conducted by the organizer of the campaign, which is Saamelaismuseo Siida or a partner of Saamelaismuseo Siida. The campaign organizer is responsible for all costs related to the campaign. After the campaign has ended, participants will be informed about benefits and prizes.
  4. Campaign benefits or prizes cannot be converted into cash. Money will not be refunded for benefits or prizes. The organizer reserves the right to replace the advertised prizes and benefits with other benefits or prizes of equal value.
  5. Saamelaismuseo Siida reserves the right to change the rules or, if necessary, to interrupt the campaign for a justified reason. The campaign organizer reserves the right to remove participation that violates the rules without separate explanation. Any possible ambiguities related to the application and interpretation of the rules will be resolved by the campaign organizer.
  6. Saamelaismuseo Siida is not responsible for any technical problems or other circumstances that may affect the campaign.
  7. Saamelaismuseo Siida employees are not eligible to participate in the campaign.

If the different language versions of the rules and other documentation differ, the Finnish-language versions shall take precedence.